Aaron Penne
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- Unframed- Sold Out- 250,00 €
- Framed- Sold Out- 360,00 €
The series SEARCHING STILL by Aaron Penne observes elusive and intangible sensations such as the feeling of a memory, a longing or a search. The artist strikes a balance between the machine and the human touch, creating fluid, painterly forms from hard-edge digital artifacts. Created on a Raspberry Pi using Python code, selected carefully by the artist from more than 800 outputs.
Penne draws parallels with early abstract artworks by Hilma af Klimt, whose compositions originated from a place of divination. In her work, the artist almost acted as a spiritual medium, opening herself to the influence of unseen forces and creating surprising compositions for their own sake.
This is not unlike the trust that generative artists put in their pseudorandom number generators. Artists creating abstract work using generative techniques gather their tools, open their minds, and let chance drive the composition. The visual language in SEARCHING STILL carries forward from abstract art, but there is also a conceptual lineage of intentionally opening oneself to infinite possibilities.
The edition is available 25-28 January, 7.30-7.30 PM CET. The editions are numbered randomly, i.e., the edition number is not chronologically assigned to the time of order receipt. This TIME-LIMITED PRINT EDITION is authenticated with a Certificate of Authenticity signed and numbered by the artist on the back of the print.